I just LOVE Halloween, so much that I'm doing a series called, "From Bewitched to Love-Struck." This is a weekly video series for the month of October. I'll be sharing four personality types that you must avoid at all costs when dating!
I just LOVE Halloween, so much that I'm doing a series called, "From Bewitched to Love-Struck." This is a weekly video series for the month of October. I'll be sharing four personality types that you must avoid at all costs when dating!
As a Master Certified Relationship Coach, and as a woman, I believe that when you first start dating a man you should be screening him to make sure that he’s really right for you. We get one life to live so that means the people you let into your heart and soul should be only the best ones for you. Despite this obvious need for testing far too many daters out there either fail to implement tests or just ignore the results. If you are one of those people who wants to find true love, then I strongly recommend yo[...]
For many of you out that it seems pretty easy to see when your friends or family are in a bad or toxic relationship, yet when it’s your own relationship, this clarity is not always so easy to have. Why is that? What makes a smart person who understands people and/or what it looks like to be happy, so blind when it comes to their own love life? What I've found from working with clients, it’s almost always because of fear… fear of being alone, fear of being judged, fear of looking at themselves. In my Consci[...]
So when it comes to dating, I wanted to point out a few of the things I think you should look out for in order to avoid entering relationships with this growing pool of narcissistic men out there. Here is my Amie’s Top 5 list showing you the top signs you're dating a narcissist (continued below).