Now there are 40 million people online dating according to, your odds of meeting the right person just went up. Before you sign up on your great adventure, here are some online dating tips that ensure you have a FUN experience.
Now there are 40 million people online dating according to, your odds of meeting the right person just went up. Before you sign up on your great adventure, here are some online dating tips that ensure you have a FUN experience.
Isn't it better to be single and wait for the right partner than be in a lonely relationship? It is time you change your perspective and view being single as an opportunity.
You'll hear me say it again.."Being single is an opportunity, not a curse!" Let's explore the GIFT and PURPOSE of being single. One of the hardest things for me to accept is that I create my OWN outcomes, whether I like them or not, my failures as well as my successes. Back when I was single I remember venting to my married friend, "Being single just sucks, why me?" I had a great thriving career, awesome friends, and quality men flirted with me but when it came to having a relationship with me, they ran the oth[...]
Sometimes couples are so afraid to admit they met they online. My husband included! He told his friends that we met at restaurant, which was true because we had our first date there but we actually met online! I guess my point is....if you found an avenue that allows you to meet someone that you could have never met at a bar or through friends, why is it so embarrassing? Sometimes making yourself uncomfortable by trying new things allows you to grow as a person. Of course, all of us would like to stay in our comfor[...]