Top Five Ways to Find Your Future Partner Without a Computer!
As a Relationship Coach, recently I’ve heard many singles frustrations with internet dating and seeking alternatives. With millions of singles using the internet and the promises and success stories of online matchmaking websites, I’ve heard the same thing over and over from singles across the country who are frustrated with internet dating- “It’s great to have a lot of choices, but it takes a lot of time and I can’t seem to meet anyone I have much chemistry with.”
I totally get it, online dating isn’t for everyone. In some ways, using a computer to find your soul mate is like trying to cook a souffle in a microwave. Some things just require time, effort, and the human touch.
Let’s explore the upsides and downsides of internet dating, and suggest some alternatives.
Top Five Advantages of Internet Dating
1. Reach more singles (more options period) – 40 million people online dating according to Match.com
2. Inexpensive (relatively)
3. Enough information available for efficient sorting (keyword search options)
4. Being Anonymous
5. Easy to control most aspects of the process
Top Five Downsides of Internet Dating
1. Overwhelming number of choices
2. Encourages “shopping” mentality
3. Many users are less than truthful
4. Some users are game players, predators, cheaters
5. Complacency- tempting to rely on the internet and exclude other options
The Internet, Chemistry, and the Law of Attraction
Today’s singles seem to be relying on their computer a bit too much and complacently expecting the internet to deliver their soul mate. This is a version of the Fairy Tale Trap (one of fourteen dating traps in my “Conscious Dating Program”). The internet is a wonderful tool (I use it!) but it doesn’t have to be the only tool for finding potential partners.
Top Five Ways to Find Your Mate Without a Computer
1. Use your support community
Most people find their soul mate through someone they know, so don’t be a lone ranger (another dating trap!) and lean on your friends, family, co-workers, and neighbors to assist you to meet potential partners.
2. Start a dating pool or networking group
Get a group of singles together (any gender mix) to support each other to meet potential partners. Most singles know lots of other singles of both genders, so pool your resources and do some matchmaking for each other!
3. Reach out to people
In today’s busy world with cell phones, texting, instant messaging, e-mail, and the internet promoting impersonal ways of interacting with others, it’s easy to forget the lost art of engagement with real people that are right in front of you. Make an effort to reach out to the people you come into contact with in your everyday life and watch your relationships blossom.
4. Meet new people and make more friends
Since most people find their soul mate through someone they know, be open to developing new friendships and expanding your support community. Chances are you already have acquaintances at work and other places that you would enjoy spending more time with. Friends are easier to find than dates, and friendships often last longer than romantic relationships!
5. Get involved
Too many singles lead isolated lives centered around work, home, and a few friends. Participating in clubs, groups, classes, charities, church/temple, is the most important way you can leverage the Law of Attraction to help you find your soul mate. You’ll meet new people, make new friends, and pursue hobbies and interests important to you that bring you in contact with other compatible singles.
Balancing High Tech with High Touch
While technology can help us in many ways, let’s not forget that as humans we are social beings and finding your life partner is a relationship goal that is most effectively achieved by getting away from your computer and living a full, rich life among real people doing the things you enjoy that make your life meaningful.
If you found this article valuable, please share along with any frustrated singles in your life that you care about! And if you want more dating tips like this, please feel free to sign up for my Free Guide to Conscious Dating.
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